• Innovative
  • Dynamic
  • Creative
  • Strategic
  • Innovative
Opals EyewearAnd Lenses

Opals, a visionary in the realm of eyewear and lens manufacturing, embarked on an ambitious journey to redefine its brand identity. Tasked with this mission, we undertook a comprehensive branding project that encompassed every facet of their visual presence.

Market Research
Crafting Brand Personality
Logo Designing
Visual design
Color Palette
Brand Identity

The objective of the Opals brand transformation project was clear: to reinvent Opals’ visual identity in the eyewear and lens manufacturing industry. Through strategic market research and creative exploration, our goal was to create a brand identity that would resonate with customers, convey Opals’ commitment to precision and clarity, and position the company as a leader in the field.

Brand Mission & Vision

Opals’ brand mission and vision revolved around redefining excellence in eyewear and lenses. Their mission was to provide customers with eyewear that offered not only impeccable clarity but also a unique and stylish aesthetic. Their vision was to be the go-to choice for individuals seeking eyewear that seamlessly combined quality, precision, and fashion-forward design. The brief was to create a logo that symbolizes their unwavering commitment to keen vision, precision, and a future where eyewear was not just functional but also a statement of personal style.

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